Fibromialgia Syndrome
Fibromialgia Syndrome (FMS) is a condition characterized by widespread body pain, stiffness and fatigue which is usually accompanied by mood swings, anxiety and depression. In addition to the physical pain and sleep problems often experienced, reported cognitive symptoms include difficulty with thinking, concentration and memory. As the causes and neurobiological profile of FMS are largely unknown, it has no cure, and is therefore often long-term. For those not opting for Psychological or Pharmacological interventions, medication-free Neurofeedback is a perfect solution.
Neurofeedback (NF) training for treatment of Fibromialgia is considered an “alternative” therapy. Due to the complexity and somewhat unquantifiable nature of the condition, there is little research. However, Sadi Kariyan and team have studied the condition extensively and found Neurofeedback treatment can help sufferers live better with the disorder. In 2007, all 3 patients improved after 10 sessions of Neurofeedback, as measured on clinical scales and tests. ie Visual Analog Scale for pain and fatigue, Hamilton Depression and Anxiety Inventory Scales, Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventory Scales, and SF-36. Efficacy for the treatment modality was seen again in another study by Kariyan et al. in 2010, where 18 patients reported a reduction in pain and psychological symptoms, and improved quality of life.
How QEEG and Neurofeedback can help
The brain has an inherent power to rewire itself, given stimuli and reward, and NF capitalises on this “neuroplasticity”. A QEEG examination provides personalised results that identify the activity most likely to be contributing to the FMS symptoms. The brain maps display the frequencies which may be lacking, as well as those that are elevated. These areas can then be targeted in the NF program to reduce pain, fatigue, anxiety and depression, and improve attention, concentration and memory. The training software discourages the dysfunctional brain pattern, both intensity/power and speed/frequency, and over an undefined number of sessions, reduction in the deviant electrical activity usually occurs. The net result is a more balanced and flexible brain, with fewer and weaker pathways associated with the undesired pattern.
Another major benefit of Neurofeedback treatment is that it is medication free. This is especially valuable for FMS sufferers because they are commonly on a wide range of drugs to enable them to sleep, be in less pain and to be less depressed. When metrics such as power and coherence become more “normal” and QEEG results improve, the maps become “greener”. Positive changes in health can be widespread. For example, when the body pain associated with Fibromialgia is reduced, other negative symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety and depression can also dissipate.