Neurofeedback Therapy
Neurofeedback (NF) treatment targets specific brain areas, networks and hubs and has been shown to successfully treat many conditions. Training is in the form of a computer-based set-up which receives ongoing electrical feedback from the patient’s head cap via electrodes.
The treatment is non-invasive and no electrical charge is delivered to the patient at any stage, so is completely safe.
Once a QEEG is recorded and analyzed, training protocols can be devised to balance and enhance (normalize) one’s unique set of brain maps, to reduce symptoms. NF can target atypical patterns in patients with Anxiety and Depression, Addictions, OCD, PTSD, ADHD, ASD, and Dementia related disease. It can also be effective for sufferers of Chronic Pain, Migraine, Sensory processing disorder, Tinnitus and help with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).